Beta Launch of project Skylight – SL in a browser

Linden Lab has launched the test phase for a browser-based Second Life, this week.

In June 2010, Philip Linden announced to make Second Life easier and more accessible. A direct web access would enable that goal. The download and installation of a Second Life client would be no longer necessary. The GmbH reported on that: 10/2010 Second Life directly on the web browser.

At this moment, getting an access to the „Web Second Life“ is still like gambling. During the 45-second promotional video, the used web-browser, bandwidth and processing power will be checked. After that procedure, either an „Explore now“ button, which leads you to the browser-based Second Life or a „Join now“ button to the regular Second Life account registry, will appear at random.
In the first few weeks the number of users will be limited. But Linden Lab promises to increase the number of testers during the test.

Those, who had not been lucky enough to get one of the test accounts yet, may take a look at some YouTube videos, to get a first impression about project skylight.

The first thing you notice, is an amazingly good graphics quality. In addition, you move smoothly through the Second Life Grid. You have a decent draw distance, even on older hardware. High performance is ensured by the fact that Second Life will not be rendered on your own computer, but by cloud computing, running on servers. It means in effect, that you see an interactive video stream on your screen. Even so, the ping is good enough to have a nice walk (flight) through the virtual world. This gaming on demand technology has been provided by Gaikai.

As announced, several functions are unavailable in the test viewer. So there will be no voice chat, no inventory and no main menu, at that moment. In addition the user access will be limited to 60 minutes.

Click here for the Skylight beta test.

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